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Photos and slides not shown will open for the innauguration of the Millenarian Forum,

coming ON-LINE August 9, 2003, World Indigenous Day of the United Nations



Open Letter issued to the

Presidents of Ibero - America,

July 9, 2003, Panama




Copyright USA/Panama © Mindi-Idili. 2000-2003.  

All International Rights Reserved.




is in the Ngobe Cordillera.

It is composed of Negev Sinaitic Letters, style of 1500 B.C. or before.

Same is in the Andes of 

La Paz, Bolivia,Sinai &



American Southwest.




is dedicated to the investigation,

preservation, collection, divulgation,

and universal 

inter-cultural education

related to the 

Ngöbe Sabanero Petroglyphs

& their Milenaria Culture ;

and the Universal Promotion

of their essential  

Milenaria Culture

based on



The Great Peace of God be with you the Millenium 2000



La Paz, Bolivia

South America



Finders Ranges,



Anasazi,Jemez Pueblo

American Southwest


Exquiste Details mark the Ngobe Yawhwah Tree

on the same sacred rock with the Ngobe Kabahla








 13 Ahau en Caldera



Ngöbe Sabanero Petroglyphs in Caldera, Chiriqui, have

Egyptian, Maya, Babylonia, & Ngöbe Ka Hieroglyphics

that form Astronomic Codes for Prophecies 

about the End of Time, 

Apocalypsis,13 Ahau of Sun 4,


and Arabic Scriptures from the Koran.




they show Astronomical Prophecies 

of this   SUN  ROCK 

 that predict that 

in Panama by the Year 2000

shall come the uniting of the north and the south

under the Father Cross

in the Black Hole Center of our Milky Way

after 260 Conjunctions of the


Jupiter & Saturn,

which occurred in 1998:


There have been 260 Conjunctions

between 3,125 B.C. and the Year 2000,

equal to 260 x 20 Tuns, 

or 5,200 Tun Years (360 days),

equal to exactly 5,125 Astronomical Years (365.25 days),

ending the Year 2000.





Heavens of Be - Ra - Ka,

Scriptures of Ngobe Ka


By virtue of the

Cumbre of Presidents

and Heads of the Republics

  of America & Union Europa,

celebrated each year since

of the Year 2000 in Panama,

the Tribes of Sem

are uniting, 

once again, under the

Heavens of Be - Ra - Ka,

the tongue of Sem in this

Sacred Ngöbe Rock.






This   REGAL  Ibero American Cumbre

is one of a series planned

by the Presidents of the Republics of America

and Heads of Ibero States

dedicated to the uniting the youth

of the North and the South,

and the Easts and the Wests thereof , in 




by the Year 2004. 







On this Page,

in honor of

the Ibero America Cumbres 

of Presidents and Chancillers

2000 -2004,


ancient linguistic explanations 

and translations

will continue to be made of select 

Ngobe Sabanero Petroglyphs of




citing their Intecontinental Links 


and opening up 

Millenarian Forums 


for Universal Exchange of Occult Esoteric Codes of Ka

to help Mankind return to one common undertanding

in the Universal Communication.




First Millenarian Forum is August 9.

Details to be posted here.






  Professor Galata Flores  
precious Semitic Letters


PA - NA - MA ,
the Mother Holy Land ,


are Ancient Petroglyphs
with Semitic & Maya 
symbols and letters;
and Semitic Milenaria Culture
is still practiced today in the
Ngöbe Sabanero 
dances, songs and arts.








"Pa - Na - Ma" 
means en Arabic, Babylonic
 & Ngobe Ka:
"The Mother Holy-Land, Eden."



Christopher Columbus called Panama,
the Land of Eternal Paradise,


Panama / Chiriqui



and Colombus said Panama was also
the Land of the Mines of Solomon-
and the map of gold zones below shows why.


Gold Zones in Modern Panama



The Panamanian CHER - IQUI  Zone of
Chiriqui-Bocas-Comarca Ngobe Bugle
has the oldest and richest ecology in America
(more species of plants and birds 
than all those of North America COMBINED),
according to the Smithsonian Institute ;


and CHER - IQUI 
has the oldest and richest 
Archaeological Landscape in America,
with Clovis Points, Relics, & Astronomical Calendars
dating as far back as 16,000-18,500 A.C.,
according to Dr. Reina Torres de Arauz
as documented in the thesis of the author.


Plus, Cher-Iqui has
the richest Huacas
Treasure hunting in the world ,
tens of thousands of gold relics
in USA and Union Europea museums
coming from CHER IQUI ,
the land of the mines of King Salomon
and Ngobe Sabanero Kings .






"Cher - Iqui"  
means in Aramaic, 
Maya & Ngobe Ka:
" Honey-Moon Valley, 
Dominion of the 
Divine Kings
  from the East. "
"Cher - Iqui"
is the aboriginal and original name for
"Chiriqui" .
In the beastly face of the Petroglyph to the left are
ancient Aramaic letters:   
"Bayt", meaning House ;
& "Sin" , meaning Moon ,
or Valley of the Moon.
 In its circumference are
28 - 31 Lunar Magnetic Rays 
touched by the 
Millenarian Ngobe 
Author Galata 
Flores Dragna
The combination of Aramaic Letters and Lunar Magnetic Rays in this Petroglyph Site comprise a Lunar - Tide Calendar of 28-31 days and forms the Aramaic word,
 "Cher - Iqui" .




Ngobe Sabanero Prophet - Kings are
Divinely Rich ,
like Prophet-Kings from the East,
Israel or Egypt,
like the Ngobe Twin Kings below.

Ngobe King Volcan

Ngobe King Uraba


The Ngobe Twin Kings are adorned
with Semitic Bands composed of 
Mystical Letters ,
Golden Chains and Golden Mirrors, 
as required by the 
Word of God 
since the Times 
of  Cabala
and worn by Semitic Kings ,
 like King David and King Solomon .




Ngobe Sabanero Savants ,
Maria Caballero 
(grandmother of the author)
and Teolinda Montezuma ,
say that in the Time of Sem ,
the first Ngobe King Montezuma and his 4 sons,
came to Panama in boats 
made of balsa from Egypt ,
the land of 
"the Sons of the Sun" 
and their Semitic Milenaria Culture.


They crossed the Red Sea 
and the Stormy Atlantic Sea,  
as did the  
first Maya and Incaico Kings
in the Times of Noah´s Flood,
and as did Phoenicians 
and other Sabaneros of Babylon ,
before the 
Tower of Babel
when all Mankind 
spoke one Universal Language 
( Ka )
and believed in 
whose Scriptures we today call,
 Ka - Bah - La 


Shamash Number Wheels of the 
Ka - Bah - La 
appear below
in ancient Shamash (Sun) Glyphs 
of the Phoenicians of the East ,
and are the same as those in ancient Sun 
(Shamash) Glyphs
of the Incaicos & Mayas of the West .


Incaico of the West

Phoenician of the East

3 Soles + Baha + Men

Hijos de Sol 3

Inti Rami,Peru

4 Soles + Baha Men

Hijos de Sol 4

Inti Rami,Israel

Present on the top level of 
BOTH of these 
East - West Sun Symbols
is the ancient Arabic Name of God,
His Greatest Name in the Time of Solomon, 
which means, 
the Illumined Sun ,
a sacred Cabala symbol 
for the Glory of God .
Baha or Double Baha
is the most common Glyph
in the Ngobe Sabanero Zone,
as shown below in a form the same 
as the Incaico and Phoencian.


Finca Motta ,Chiriquí,

Pa -Na -Má



Nancito, Chiriquí,

Pa -Na -Má



The ancient Egyptian / Ngobe
Zig-Zag symbol ^^^^
is present
on the second most top level of
BOTH of these East-West 
Sun Symbols, Incaico and Phoencian,
as it is in the Petroglyphs 
in Finca Motta Below
and in the handicrafts of Ngobes 
and other Solar Tribes,
and as it is in the dress 
of the Egyptian Pharoah below


Photo 14: Ngobe Handicrafts with Ngobe Handicrafts with
sacred Egyptian Hieroglyphic Symbols


The Zig-Zag symbol ^^^^
 in Egyptian Hieroglyphics below 
reads as
Baha Men , 
which is Egyptian for 
Sons of the Sun ,
Noble Sons of the Glory of God .


The Ngobe Zig-Zag symbol  ^^^^
symbol connotes 
Baha Men
in Egyptian, Aramaic, Arabic,
 Maya, Incaico and Ngobe Ka .


The most ancient and sacred 
Ngobe Chants of Ka sing out,  
Baha Men .


Baha Men 
means Interculturally:
"Sons of the Sun" 
in the ancient 
Ngobe / Egyptian / Maya Cultures.


In Modern Language,
this is equivalent to
"Sons of the Regal 
Illumined Sun within"
"Noble Sons 
of the Glory of God."


The first Ngobe Kings of the Fourth Sun 
were Osiris and Isis ,
the King & Queen of Egypt
 at the Time of Sem & 
Noah´s Flood (3100 B.C.),
according to Ngobe savants 
Maria Caballero & Teolinda Montezuma.



First Ngobe King 


First Ngobe Queen



Since the time of Osiris and Isis ,
the Milenaria Egyptian / Semitic Arts, 
Sciences and Oral History 
have been  passed down 
from generation to generation by
via their Hand Crafts &
Millenarian Cultural practices.




For the first time ever,
this Millenarian Culture of the  
is being explained and presented 
to the general public
by means of this WEB site
sponsored by our 
Indigenous Non-Profit Organization, 
Instituto Uraba,
to help promote the 
Millenarian Spirit of World Peace
being generated 
since the Year 1998 
the Most Heavenly, 
Presence of the Twins
in their  FORMATION   BAYT  position
closest to the Earth.



As depicted by 
Ngobe Sabanero Petroglyphs
in Caldera to the right,
these Super Twins 
have been romping the 
Alligator Head
of the Milky Way Beast 
in  Their Descension
from the heavenly Zenith between midnight to dawn
since August of 2000 , 
as they did in 1998.






The 4 Sun Symbol
in the Petroglyphs to the right
represents the 
4 Suns, or 4 Ages ,
each Age composed 
of 5,125 Years,
completed by the Year 2000,
exacly 20,500 years 
since 18,500 B.C.



This is equivalent to 
exactly four Cycles
of 260 Conjunctions 
of the Twins
as depicted here in Caldera and 
also by Ngobe Sabanero
Petroglyphs in Nancito.




4 Suns , Bocas      

4 Suns, San Felix



The 4 Suns-Cycle of the Ngobes
can be read in these Glyphs to mean the
same as they mean in
Maya / Cabala Milenaria Mathematics:


4 Suns = 20,800 Tuns = 20,500 Years since 18,500 B.C. ,
each Sun equal to 5,200 Tuns, equal to 5,125 Years.




During the times before Adam and Eve,
when Divine Prophet - Kings of the West
ruled over all Mankind,
as  mentioned by Plato and Aristotle,
the Ngobe Cordillera, Home of the Chibcha Tribes ,
was the Ancient Civilizing Heart of the World,
according to Chibcha Oral History,
the German Investigator Humboldt
and the evidences
left in the Ngobe Sabanero Huacas, Petroglyphs
& Oral History of Ngobe Savants.


Apache Savant, Meredith Begay,
and Navajo Savant, Annie Kahn,
agree with Ngöbe Savants: 


(1)  The Mesoamerica Land Bridge  
has always been the
Mother Holy Land ,
the Ancient Civilizing Center 
of the World.


(2)  Migrations of Abia Yala runners
with the Religion of God
have always been


the Four Cardinal Points -


  and not vice versa  ,
  as modern white Text Books teach  
  in Reverse wrongly,  
  in brutish contradiction with Plato,  
  Aristotle and Humboldt  
  and all Indigenous Savants.  


    The Map below shows Panama as
the Ancient Civilizing Heart of the World
since the Times before Adam and Eve, 
according to Plato,
Aristotle, Humboldt and Native American Savants.





Last May 23, 2000,
at the zero position of all our Planets,
is when the Fifth Sun began ,
coming after 260 Conjunctions of the
Super Twin Planets , Jupiter and Saturn ,
equal to 260 x 20 = 5200 Tuns = 1Sol =

20 x 20 x 13 

This Long Count 
is shown below on a rock near Nancito
with Arabic signs for these
Super Twins .


Ngobe / Maya Long Count (1 Sun)

enchanting the ProfessorGalatea Flores and Nancito´s Pastor & Tourist Guide, Abran


This Long Count  is also in the Caldera Petroglyphs with
Maya / Egyptian / Babilonic Hieroglyphics.





Astronomical Prophecies in the Caldera Petroglyphs below
foretold the Period 1998 - 2003 as the time
when the FORMATION  BAYT of its Planets
have appeared  MOST  MAGNETICALLY 


  in the Black Hole Center  
  of our Milky Way Galaxy -  


  a once every Sun (5,125 years) event. 

Photo of Spiraling Galaxy Conjunction in line with Soltice Conjunction of planets and Solstice Sun Door


This once every Sun event   
(5,125 years) explains the
Stupendous Magnetic Reverse
occurring since 1998 when
of the Visible Planets of our Solar System
entered the
Father Cosmic Crossing
at the Reverse Spiraling,


  Black-Hole Center  
  of our Milky Way Galaxy.  






is causing El Niño, 
Ozone Cap Rupturing, 
Solar Storms,
and Climatic Changes 
which have impacted the Earth
at the end of the Fourth Sun,
as they did at the end 
of the Third Sun
in the Day of Noah´s Flood 
(3125 B.C.),
exactly 1 Sun ago,
5,125 years ago.




  Cosmic Monster Crossing  


is also shown
in ancient Maya & Babylonic Astronomy Glyphs
from the Time
under the Third Sun when the Earth was made of
One Family of God living on 
One Land Mass ,
according to the Bible and Indigenous Savants .


Ancient Maya & Babylonic,
Elamic Astronomy Glyphs


The same 
  Doble Headed Serpent  
Glyph of Ishtar above, 
from ancient Babylonic Astronomy,
is found in Ngobe Sabanero Petroglyphs
near Tole, Chiriqui, below


The Ngobe 
  Milky Way Serpent Beast  
of Ancient Maya, Babilonic & Ngobe Sabanero Astronomy,Dance Ceremonies & Legends
of the Sacred Twins who fight the Monster Beast till they cut its head off.



As represented in the ancient Maya
& Babylonic Elamic Glyphs above ,
  Cosmic Monster Crossing  ,
generated by the
Bayt Magnet Formation of the Planets
led by the Super Twins
crossing the Zenith and the Celestial Ecuator
in perpindicular Intersection to the


Black Hole Center of the Spiraling,
Monstrous ,
Alligator- Headed 


Courtesy of Astronomy Magazine,Cctober,1998

Cortesia de Astronomy Magazine,Cctubre,1998


Double-Headed Serpent
form of our Galaxy,
The Milky Way


is the Father Crossing &
Magnetic CAUSE   
of the Deluvial ...


at the End of the Third Sun, 3125 B.C.,
the Time of Noah´s Flood
and the Year of the last Father Cross
recorded by the Mayas
and the Tribes of Sem.


These findings, among others, 
were registered officially
with the USA Federal Astronomy Center in 1998
and reported to the Cumbre of University Rectors
of the Union Europa in 1999.




The  SHAMASH  Long Count of the Four Suns
is occulted in various kinds of  
Astronomical Codes
within the Ancient Prophecies, 
Oral History, Dances, Songs
and Petroglyph Scriptures of all the Tribes of Sem, 
or Solar Tribes.


From SHAMASH (Sun)
comes the name, Solar Tribes ,
used  for Civilized Tribes of Mankind
who count the Long Count of Time using


which is equivalent to the
Cabalistic and Maya 
Astronomical Calendar System
found inscribed in Ngobe Sabanero Petroglyphs
via diverse Semitic symbols.




Each of the PETROGLYPH  SITES  are
Inter - Continental SHAMASH  
School Sites in CHER - IQUI
which explain Milllenarian Mathematics.


is the Ka - Baha - La   Basis  of all
Millenarian Mathematics and Sciences ;


is used univerally by Indigenous - Semitic Savants ;
and is found systematically inscribed
in various Ngobe Sabanero Petroglyph sites
here in
CHER - IQUI , PA - NA - MA ,


the Mother Holy Land of the Planet
and the Civilizing, Difusion Center
of the Millenarian Arts and Sciences
for the Mayas, Incaicos and
all other Civilized Tribes of precolombian Abia Yala.




In celebration of the End of the Fourth Sun
at the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2003,
Savants of Ibero - America & 
all Sons of the Son
are invited to
the following Ngobe Sabanero 
SUN  GATE  below,
located in Caldera , Chiriqui,
only 1 hour from Boquete or David
to commemorate the 
End of the 500 Years 
Age of the Beast.




As this Caldera Sun Gate 
was illumined by the Rising Sun 
eclipsed by the new moon
at the Winter Solstice on 
December 21 of the Year 2000,
the Heads of the Republics
of the North and the South,
the East and the West,
met in a series of meetings
federating and consulting on how to make
the Great Covenants for World Peace -
as they did for the Ibero American Cumbre,
Nov. 16-17, 2000, here in Panama.




Panama once again is serving as
the Inter - Continental Federating Center
for Cooperative Global Interchanges,
its forums, congresses &
the World Crossway Position of Panama
as the Earth´s Inter - Continental,
COSMIC Center 
that today pay
cash REBATES in dollars for tax credits earned
in diverse Industrial and Tourism Developments
awaiting Investor Readers of our new 
Routes Millenarian Web Sites
initiating October 12, 2003.





Copyright USA/Panama © Mindi-Idili. 2000.  

All International Rights Reserved.


It is strictly prohibited to PRINT, copy or reproduce any portions of this Web Site without the expressed written consent of the President of Instituto Uraba, Professor Galata Flores Dragna. As of June 30, 2003, no permission has been granted.


The  PRESENTATION   ABOVE  includes capsule explanations related to DECIPHERED Ngobe Sabanero Petroglyphs  and their Milenarian Culture.  


They are presented as Preliminary Reports related to the Thesis of the Ngobe Native American Professor, Mrs. Galata Flores, for the Interamerican University of Panama in her major studies of Psicopedagogia and Orientation. 


Her Thesis is the basis for :
Foro Millenarian ON-LINE , initiating July 9,2003, which shall begin to presenrt deciphered Images of Levels 2 and 3 for images millenarian above.
And,it is basis for the Cheriqui Congress, an Interamerican Congress of Indigenous Savants planned for October 5-12, 2003, by Instituto Uraba to initiate Campaña Quibián.
Instituto Urabá is an Indigenous Non-Profit Educational/Cultural Institute dedicated to the Investigation, Preservation, Divulgation and Promotion of the Milenaria Culture and its Culture of Peace, SHALOM - SALEM - SHAMASH  via the establishment of Museums, Cultural Interchanges, Congresses, Fairs and Centers of Investigations
In the 3 years of providing the world free access to view these precious, sacred rocks of the Ngobe Cordillera, not one sponsor nor donor has stepped forward to contribute to this humble organization that is based in the zone of most extreme poverty in America.  
Much more can be accessed when the nobles of the world viewing these millenarian images appreciate their millenarian value and honor their value for all Humanity to benefit, not just a select few.  
The great Peace of God be with those Sons of the Sun who come to comprehend their Millenarian Value and honor it for the glory of God as the authors have done, as a gift to help the realization of the Great Peace of God on earth, knowing we are all sons of the sons of Sem, all of the same one common Faith, eternal in the past, eternal in the future.
Serious observations which may negate, confirm or challenge whatever data are solicited, interchanges available via Internet:





For information related 

to donations to Instituto Uraba, 



All  work done from 1998-2003 by our

Staff has been accomplished with utmost sacrifice

under conditions of extreme poverty and helplessness,

without aid of any entity.


although the UN,OEA, AID

and Panama Government made many promises 1999-2003,

to help fund courses,seminars and congresses for Indigenous Tourism Programs,

never has any entity contributed even one dollar

to this most important work for the Unity of all mankind and for the end to wars.


Readers paying to see more is the only way we can continue to sustain it:

via sales of pay to see links and CDs,and donations to our nonprofit  INDIGENOUS  organization.   



Instituto Uraba

Tel / Fax:  507-695-4468   638-2285

David, Chiriqui, Republic of Panama


Blessed are the nameless and traceless poor, 

for they shall be the leaders of mankind.






