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Ancient Semitic Letters in the Ngöbe Sabanero Cordillera, Pa-Na-Má



Photos and slides not shown will open for the innauguration of the Millenarian Forum,

coming ON-LINE August 9, 2003, World Indigenous Day of the United Nations




Ngobe Bugle


2-Shalom Ngobe


3-Shalom Magnified

4- Kabahla 



5- Kabahla 


6- Eternal 




Blessing of God


8- Conjunction

every 8 years

Millenarian ,  Nancito
Nancito Demos   

 Imágenes Milenaria



Petroglifos Descifrados:
Rutas Milenaria 2: Nancito: Sitio 1: Cheriqui
Casa de la Luna en Letras Arameas




Investigators Millenarian:


Welcome to

Middle Eastern Culture Sites


with ancient Semitic Letters and

Maya / Cabalistic Number Wheels 


in the First Nation Ngobe-Bugle, Pa-Na-Ma,   


Courtesy of Project Ngobe Bugle





The Millenarian Forum opening August 9,2003,will provide links to slide shows for some Level 3 & Level 4 Translations with details for the following sites, 

as shown for Site 1 Shalom, 

to be made accessible for the First Time ever to investigators, scientists and the general public.



Photo 1.  Shalom.



This Hebrew Greeting, 


is in the Ngobe Sabanero 

Petroglyphs of the cool,

encanting, Ngobe Cordillera

at the Cosmic Crossing of the 4 Roads.


Photo 2.  

Shalom, Hebrew Letters.



   The Hebrew Letters 

in the Ngobe Petroglyphs 

for "SH-A-L-O-M"

are of the time of 

Salomon (950 B.C.).


Shalom means:   

"The Peace of God be with you."



Photo 3.   

Infinity / Eternal Faith.



   The Hebrew Symbol for 



"The Eternal Faith of God"

is in the same rock 

with "Sh-a-l-o-m".



Photo 4. 

Kabahla Ngobe.



   The Ngobe Queen Galata touches 

the Lunar Calendar Wheel

of the Long Count System 

in the  Ka - Bah - La  Ngobe.


It is identical with 

Number Wheel Systems 

of the Maya - Azteca Calendar

and identical with those 

of the ancient Semitic Cabala Tablets,

according to the Museum of Israel (1998).




Photo 5. 

Kabahla Ngobe.



    Ka - Bah - La  Ngobe 

is composed of

Millenarian Mathematic Factors 

made from

Aramaic Letters & 

Rays of Number Wheels.




Photo 6. 

Ber - Ra - Ka   Ngobe.




The   Aramaic / Arabic Letters in 

Ber - Ra - Ka Ngobe   



"Blessing of God", 


"God bless you."




For the Nepal Culture,


this same combination of Glyphs

shows the 

Holy Ancient Trinity of Omm


God, the Father ;  

God, the Protector ; 

God, the Destroyer of Evil. 




And in Babylonic Letters 

we can read:


El Bab or Bab-El

and Shamash


"The Door of God"

or "Gate of God",

  and "Sun".



The Chaquira 


on the neck of the Ngobe Youth,

Daniel Flores Pedrol,

is composed of Number Wheels

of the  

Ka - Bah -La Ngobe .



Photo 8. 

Every 8 Year Conjunction.



A conjunction due east of

Sun, Moon, Venus

and this Rock appears every 8 Years;

and a conjunction of Pleyades

in line due east 

with the Cosmic Cross 

and this Rock appears every 52 years.



The Hand of Professor Galata Flores

is touching the Cosmic Cross

which is situated above the 


Name of God,

Yahwah (Jehova).





Copyright USA/Panama © Mindi-Idili. 2000.  

All International Rights Reserved.


It is strictly prohibited to PRINT, copy or reproduce any portions of this Web Site without the expressed written consent of the President of Instituto Uraba, Professor Galata Flores. As of July 9, 2003, no permission has been granted.


The  PRESENTATION   ABOVE  includes capsule explanations related to DECIPHERED Ngobe Sabanero Petroglyphs  and their Milenarian Culture.  


They are presented as Preliminary Reports related to the Thesis of the Ngobe Native American Professor, Mrs. Galata Flores, for the Interamerican University of Panama in her major studies of Psicopedagogia and Orientation. 


Her Thesis is the basis for :
Foro Millenarian ON-LINE , initiating July 9,2003, which shall begin to presenrt deciphered Images of Levels 2 and 3 for images millenarian above.
And,it is basis for the Cheriqui Congress, an Interamerican Congress of Indigenous Savants planned for October 5-12, 2003, by Instituto Uraba to initiate Campaign Quibián.
Instituto Urabá is an Indigenous Non-Profit Educational/Cultural Institute dedicated to the Investigation, Preservation, Divulgation and Promotion of the Milenaria Culture and its Culture of Peace, SHALOM - SALEM - SHAMASH  via the establishment of Museums, Cultural Interchanges, Congresses, Fairs and Centers of Investigations.
In the 3 years of providing the world free access to view these precious, sacred rocks of the Ngobe Cordillera, not one sponsor nor donor has stepped forward to contribute to this humble organization that is based in the zone of most extreme poverty in America.  
Much more can be accessed when the nobles of the world viewing these millenarian images appreciate their millenarian value and honor their value for all Humanity to benefit, not just a select few.  The great Peace of God be with those Sons of the Sun who come to comprehend their Millenarian Value and honor it for the glory of God as the authors have done, as a gift to help the realization of the Great Peace of God on earth, knowing we are all sons of the sons of Sem, all of the same one common Faith, eternal in the past, eternal in the future.



Serious observations which may negate, confirm or challenge whatever data are solicited, interchanges available via Internet:










20 Imágenes

Milenaria de 

Rutas Milenaria



Edición Primera Limitada


Ngöbe Cordillera,Tolé

RMV NCT: Ruta 1:


Shalom Ngöbe.

Vía Download. $40.


Petroglifos Descifrados con Vínculos Maya / Semita


Report Informe al Centro USA de Astronomía sobre la Conjunción Cósmica Apocalíptica de 1998-2000 predicho por PetroglifosNgobe en Caldera

Profecias de 13 Ahau

música andina / maya / Ka






20 Millenarian

Images from 

Routes Millenarian



First Limited Edition


Ngöbe Cordillera,Tolé

RMV NCT : Route 1:


Shalom Ngöbe.

Via Download. $40


Deciphered Petroglyphs with Links Maya / Semita


Report to USA Astronomy Center on Apocalyptic Conjunction in the Cosmic Cross 1998-2000 foretold by Ngobe Petroglyphs in Caldera

Prophecies of 13 Ahau

music andina / maya / Ka








Next revision:

August 9, 2003:


Instituto Urabá  

Cel. 507-695-4468  / 638-2285


David, Chiriquí, República of Panamá


  David, Chiriqui, Republic of Panama  


webmaster: Gd



