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From Ngobe Oral History


  This Gold Statute of Ngobe King Uraba, 

  Son of the Sun, Lord of the Earth, 1503,  


was robbed by Columbus 

from the Palace of Uraba 

in the Mountains of Veraguas, Panama,

in Spring of 1503  

and nobly returned 

to Panama 

by the Spanish Republic 

in the 20th Century.


Ngobe King Uraba was the Lord of the Earth when Columbus invaded Pa -  Na - Ma, the Holy Mother Land of Abia Yala under the Cosmic Cross. The face of Columbus is in the mirror.  


This statute was robbed by Columbus after he tricked, trapped and captured Uraba in his Veragua Palace in Spring of 1503, using the cross and the Bible to get close to the King and capture him and his gold that he believed came from the Mines of Salomon.  Later the same day King Uraba escaped by breaking his chains and jumping from the boat of Columbus into a roaring river.  


Like Hebrew King David, Ngobe King Uraba roared back, leading a Mesoamerican Federation of First Nations Kings for over 70 Tribes from Copan to Venezuela  in Holy War against the Spanish Invaders, beating them back into the sea and into retreat all the way back to Spain, where Columbus died in utmost poverty, disgrace and dishonor before the Church and the King of Spain for his Beastly Spirit manifested against the Indigenous.


For his valiant Defense of the First Nations from Copan to Venezuela and Ecuador, Uraba is revered as the King of Kings and Lord of the earth (Quibian) for this Age by Tribal savants, his name honored by the ¨Gulf of Uraba¨, Colombia.


Thus began First Contact of the Quibian of Abia Yala with the False Quetzalcoatl and the Beastly forces of the White World, the First Contact of the Old Bestial World with World Millenarian on its Firm Land.


This is the true history of the Ngobe King Uraba known as Uraca to the White Society, whose racist leaders continue to portray Uraba in a great white lie, as a savage figure whose value to them shows up on the Panama penny; while they pay continual Homage to their other great white lie, Columbus, as a Great White Exemplar.


The Return of King Uraba at the  Time of the End, Apocalypsis, to defend the Lands of the Ngobe First Nation and its Millenarian Culture of Shalom - Salem - SHAMASH 4 based upon Federalist Principles, is a Ngobe  prophecy fulfilled by the creation of Instituto Uraba and the birth of a Ngobe child, named Uraba Inti.  Also prophecied is the Return of the Federation of Divine Kings and their Aldeas, the ancient Millenarian Order practiced by Indigenous and Semitic Divine Kings known as, Sons of the Sun , the Mirror Representatives of God´s Justice on earth.  


To initiate this majestic Rebirth of  Millenarian Culture and promote its Spirit of Shalom - Salem - SHAMASH 4, Instituto Uraba presents the following web pages. 


 They unveil the Sacred Links between the Solar Tribes of America and all Continents and Planets occulted in the Indigenous Scriptures of Ka , its Kabahla Ngöbe 

(Semitic Letters) and Shamash Prophetic Calendar Systems, like 13 Ahau, Caldera,shown below.